Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Roasted Chicken for Smart & Nature Lover Kids Writing Club

Posted by contemplative on 23.39 0 komentar

“Put, lets talk about it first!” Then, immediately, some children run to the other house, where Sanggar Rebung puts books, and for a few second they already talk about
something seriously. Oh… it appears that they are talking about some plans for SMART & NATURE LOVER KIDS WRITING CLUB, a group of writing club which ran since
a few months ago. One of their plan is to collect money from their everyday’s
money that they accept from their parents. With those money, they are going to buy some t-shirts which they can put the logo of this writing club. For your information, the logo and the name of this writing club was created by themselves at
Mei 23rd in a year of 2010. Since that time, their spirits are growing. Not just about t-shirt, the children also talked about choosing their friends to be a chairman, a vice of chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and a member. Along with that idea, here are the structure of the writing club.
  1. CHAIRMAN: Chandra Saputra (3rd of elementary school)
  2. VICE OF CHAIRMAN: Rizki Fadilah (5th of elementary school)
  3. SECRETARY: Sri Anjani Pramono (4th of elementary school)
  4. TREASURER: Putri Camelia (4th of elementary school
  • Iis Nurjanah (3rd of elementary school)
  • Putri Aulia Nabita (3rd of elementary school)
  • Muhammad Apri (2nd of elementary school)
  • Nurul Fadlah (4th of elementary school)
  • Irma (3rd of elementary school)
Every days, the children that join with this writing club are more solid. At the night of June 5th in 2010, they make a roasted chicken in the house of one of them. “Mmm… for celebrate the club,” said Kki alias
Rizki. They bought the chicken, again, from their money. This idea come from themselves.
Seemly, every children have some dreams with this writing club such as Chandra who obsess with hiking and
paralayang. Kiki wants to become an expert in writing. Who knows, from these children born some good writers. Amien.

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